Go Organic Africa


Kabale, Uganda


Building a brighter future with local solutions to improve health and vitality, while restoring the land



East Africa


Creating a model for others to follow

The land is the source of life in Southwestern Uganda – lush rolling hills, mist covered lakes and rich red earth. Nearly 70 percent of Ugandans obtain their livelihood from the land by supporting themselves through subsistence farming. However, many struggle to meet their families’ basic needs. Women and children walk hours to fetch water, often dirtied by local livestock. Children consume predominantly potatoes and beans, lacking key dietary nutrients, especially protein. Aggressive farming practices and climate change have led to environmental degradation exacerbating these challenges. Today, about 40 percent of Ugandan children suffer from malnutrition.

In the town of Kabale, this situation is being met with passion and action. Alphonse Twinamasiko established Go Organic Africa (GOA) to improve and sustain the livelihoods of communities through organic and permaculture technologies. During COVID, Alphonse had a dream to combine his best solutions together in one village and with the support of Impact AO the Dream Village Project in Buzaniro, Uganda was born.

Sixty families in the Village of Buzaniro have worked side-by-side with Go Organic Africa to build water harvesting systems, plant vegetable gardens and learn how to breed rabbits. Leafy green vegetables provide much needed nutrition, and rabbits serve both as a source of protein and income when sold in the marketplace. The teams have also formed community savings groups creating economic resilience and opportunity. Already health has improved, more children are attending school, the land is being restored and hope has returned. The Dream Village continues to expand and serve as an exciting model for others to follow.